Vocabulary for Lanzarote
If you come to the island you should definitely learn a few important words for Lanzarote. Anyone who is able to speak to the locals will get much closer to the island and the lifestyle of the Canary Islands.
Español | Deutsch | English |
Hola | Hallo | Hi |
Si | Ja | Yes |
No | Nein | No |
Lo siento / Perdón | Entschuldigung | Sorry |
Buenos días | Guten Morgen | Good morning |
Buenas tarde | Guten Tag | Good afternoon |
Buenas noches | Gute Nacht | Good night |
Gracias | Danke | Thank you |
Por favor | Bitte | Please |
Playa | Strand | Beach |
Sol | Sonne | Sun |
Agua | Wasser | Water |
Arena | Sand | Sand |
Sombrilla | Sonnenschirm | Sun umbrella |
Hamaca | Sonnenliege | Sunbed |
Cerveza – caña – jarra | Bier – kleines Bier – großes Bier | Beer – small beer – large beer |
Vino – blanco – tinto | Wein – weiß – rot | Wine – white – red |
Queso | Käse | Cheese |
Donde? | Wo? | Where? |
Cuando? | Wann? | When? |
Cuanto? | Wie viel? | How much? |
Me llamo… | Ich heiße… | My name is… |
Como te llamas? | Wie heißt Du? | What’s your name? |
Adios | Tschüß | Bye bye |
bien | gut | good |
mal | schlecht | bad |
More Spanish vocabulary for Lanzarote and other Spanish-language travel destinations can be found here.
Below you will find special words that can help you in restaurants in Lanzarote.
Español | Deutsch | English |
La carta | die Speisekarte | menu |
La carta de vinos | die Weinkarte | the wine list |
Ensalada | Salat | salad |
sopa | Suppe | soup |
entrantes | Vorspeisen | appetizers |
platos principales | Hauptspeisen | main dishes |
carne | Fleisch | meat |
pescado | Fisch | fish |
pasta | Nudeln | noodles |
postre | Nachtisch | dessert |
sal | Salz | salt |
pimiento | Pfeffer | pepper |
cuchillo | Messer | knife |
tenedor | Gabel | fork |
cucharra | Löffel | spoon |
cucharilla | kleiner Löffel | small spoon |
vaso | Glas | glass |
camarero / camarera | Kellner / Kellnerin | waiter / waitress |
la cuenta por favor | die Rechnung bitte | the bill please |
We will continue this list with helpful vocabulary for Lanzarote shortly. Have fun learning, you will see that using Spanish words on your Lanzarote vacation will make a big difference.